This limited edition A.G.A. Campolin Sicilian ring pull stiletto is a classic and beautiful knife. It has all the features you’d expect on a traditional stiletto, plus a few extra details. The stainless steel bayonet blade is stamped on the tang with both “AGA Campolin Maniago-Italy 2013” on one side, and “Edizione Limitata” (Limited Edition) and the edition number on the other side. It also has polished nickel silver bolsters and buttons, and classic brass liners. The dark horn handle scales are also a traditional touch. Excellent action and lock up. This is a unique piece to have in your collection.
Please Note: The firing button may initially be very stiff on these knives, but after a few times of opening, it will loosen and the blade will fly out like you expect. Also – When releasing the blade, hold the knife horizontally and be sure all fingers are out of the way. If you hold the knife vertically, you run the risk of the knife blade collapsing onto your fingers.
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